Exclusive: Inside Andy Cohen & Anderson Cooper's Boozy CNN New Year's Bash Revival!

Join the exclusive revelry. Dive into Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper's lively New Year's celebration at CNN, where the spirits flowed, toasts were raised, and surprises unfolded on live TV. Read all about the behind-the-scenes moments and candid revelations in this electrifying recap.

Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen
Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen.

As the clock struck midnight, Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper embraced the spirit of the New Year with a splash of spontaneity on live TV, reviving the tradition of raising a glass at CNN. Breaking the dry spell of last year's teetotal broadcast, Cohen playfully teased about "Daddy's juice," prompting Cooper to question the responsible consumption of libations.

Their on-screen camaraderie unfolded with Cohen unveiling a bottle of tequila, leading both hosts into a jovial toast to kick off the show. This lively display contrasted with their solidarity shots of non-alcoholic beverages in the previous year, following CNN's reduced alcohol policy announced by former CEO Chris Licht.

Ahead of the countdown, Cohen passionately advocated for on-air imbibing, urging CNN's new CEO, Mark Thompson, to embrace the celebratory essence of the occasion. Despite their coy responses on various shows leading up to the event, the anticipation lingered about whether the duo would indulge on screen.

Reflecting on the prior year's antics when Cohen, under the influence, playfully criticized rival network ABC and its host Ryan Seacrest, generating some post-celebration drama, the aftermath resulted in Cohen expressing regret and extending an apology for his remarks.

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